Fortune Magazine Shines a Light on Data Transformation: NorthBay, AWS and Evisions

So proud to see NorthBay Solutions highlighted in Fortune! The AWS-enabled data lake that NorthBay Solutions developed for our customer, Evisions, was highlighted in a recent Fortune Magazine article on unlocking the value in data.

Evisions is a leading provider of administrative software to higher education. The data lake we built provided them with the 1) agility and velocity they needed to solve market problems faster, and 2) enabled their clients to generate more efficient business outcomes.

From the article, “NorthBay, who is a Premier AWS Partner, helped Evisions create a transformative platform that features a new data ingestion layer, a software-as-a-service data lake, and a data consumption and access application,” said Sandy Carter, vice president, Worldwide Public Sector Partners and Programs, at AWS. “These solutions allow Evisions’ customers to expand data access more broadly across their campuses and automate repeatable tasks.”

Unlocking the value of data

What is NorthBay’s point of view? While digital transformation isn’t new, nobody will argue that it’s been accelerated by pandemic-induced changes in how we live and work. Now, as a result of distributed employees working across multiple digital platforms and customers ramping up their use of online products and services, most enterprise organizations are experiencing a data deluge. Unfortunately, many are wholly unprepared because they’re still relying on legacy infrastructures that are too difficult and too expensive to scale. As a result, these organizations are missing out on opportunities to mine their data for insights that can lead to new revenue generating opportunities.

More often than not, moving to cloud-based AWS solutions both saves dollars and makes sense. AWS-enabled data lakes, such as those developed by NorthBay, are highly reliable, secure, and can handle both structured and unstructured data at any scale. As the Fortune article explains, NorthBay is a go-to partner for designing and developing AWS-based data lakes and analytics solutions, as well as migrating data from on-premises environments.

Be sure to check out the Fortune Magazine article for more insights on how to unlock the value of data with cloud modernization.