AWS Premier Consulting Partner

NorthBay Staff Augmentation

Develop Faster. Integrate Better. Deploy Sooner

Augment your teams to ensure your software development projects are completed on schedule

Senior Level Technology Leadership, Now Available As a Service

Cloud transformation is on the short list of to-dos for nearly every organization, but many customers struggle to find or afford a full-time leader to help plan and tackle complex migration, modernization, analytics, and data science projects.

Technology Leadership as a Service is a new way to engage with NorthBay’s senior-most technical experts to get the strategic guidance and close collaboration of an in-house leader, without the need to hire a full-time employee.

A select few of our senior Solutions Architects and Data Scientists are available to provide virtual advisory help, assume the role of fractional or interim leader for as long as needed, or lead a high-stakes initiative. This new offering is purpose-built to help organizations accelerate strategic planning and overcome the staffing shortages, skills shortcomings, headcount limitations and budget challenges that can compromise or slow down success.

How Technology Leadership as a Service Works

Get on-demand access to in-demand talent for far less than than the cost of not moving priority projects forward. NorthBay provides a named virtual leader for daily guidance and collaboration, who is backed by our global team of engineers certified in multiple sophisticated AWS technology solutions.

Solution Architects

Data Scientists

Areas of Expertise

  • Planning, building, and deploying AI/ML-based big data and big data analytics use cases for big data and big data analytics.
  • Leveraging MLOps, which provides common machine learning algorithms that are optimized to run efficiently against extremely large data in a distributed environment.

Most Requested Project

AI/ML Solution Development

  • Leverage the power of AI/ML to enhance data-driven decision making, increase productivity, and solve old problems in new ways.
Talk to a NorthBay AWS staffing advisor to get started.