AWS Premier Consulting Partner

Why Jam Sessions with NorthBay

As cloud adoption continues to become a primary focus and a necessity for most companies, IT teams can feel there pressure of change. From a need to up-skill and add new cloud competencies to the unknown risks lurking around the corners, IT leaders are looking for ways to quickly move forward. Northbay’s world-famous JAM Sessions will arm your team with the ability to understand the concepts, organize the strategy, and define the practical steps to remove risk and improve the overall success for your organization.

How Jam Sessions work

Think of Jam Sessions as a rapid prototyping exercise. Here’s how they work. After a phase of carefully outlining the highest-level desired outcomes and planning the Jam Sessions, teams from Northbay and you, the Client, embark in an intensive 2-week journey of immersion, learning, and getting hands-on with real applications and data on live AWS services to rapidly prototype the future deployment. We identify risks and conduct POCs to reduce those risks, gain incredible insight, and accelerate the planning for the future state.

JAM Sessions

Jam Sessions have included use cases such as Database Migrations (VMWare, SAP, Microsoft SQL, Mongo, etc.), Data Lake, Disaster Recovery, Control Tower, Application Modernization, and more.

Northbay believes that a Client’s optimal AWS cloud experience starts with getting our collective feet wet, in partnership. Jam Sessions are a definite best practice that Northbay has created to accelerate success.

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